Sushyant Zavarzadeh

About me

My name is Sushyant Zavarzadeh. I'm a psychologist, psychoanalyst, and web psychologist who is trying to spend his life thinking (not following thoughts)

October 2, 1990

Date of birth

Master of Psychology


Psychologist, Psychoanalyst and Web Psychologist


Mr. Psychologist


سوشیانت زوارزاده - روانشناس و روانکاو

My life

I was born in Tehran on 2 October 1990. My father named me Mohammad Mahdi. Since I was a child, I have had a particular fondness for reading and writing. I always get lost in books, and reading is my most enjoyable hobby that helps the growth of human thought and maturity. The essays I read are primarily about history, literature, psychology, cults and schools, and poems (poems). Among the composers, I like Ferdowsi and Khayyam more than others.
Since the age of 14, I have been engaged in religious research among various religions, away from Bias. Ultimately, I came to believe that wisdom is superior to any religion. A person should choose a faith that is first in line with wisdom and then can bring him peace and happiness, so if a religion cannot provide these things, it is nothing more than a misguided one. At the end of this research, I chose the name Sushyant for myself; everyone has known me by this name for years.


I am a master's student in psychology. I believe that learning is a never-ending path, and that's why I'm still learning as a researcher. Especially psychology, which is up-to-date knowledge, needs constant research and knowledge gathering because every day, new findings are made in the world around humans, human behavior, and psychological processes. If you are not aware of them, you will be left behind.


I do various things. At first glance, I am a psychologist and psychoanalyst. But this is only part of my work life. Since I was a 17-year-old teenager, I have been addicted to computers and the Internet. I learned web programming in the same years, and my life changed. Since I was a teenager, I have worked in the field of web design and development, and programming. I like PHP and Python programming languages. I also work in content strategy, SEO, and analysis.

In 2015, I founded a site called Mr. Psychologist, which works in psychology and counseling. Now many of my friends know me by this brand name.

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